Jim Carrey as The Grinch acts as though he has been in college himself. He understands the ins and outs of trying to survive the first semester at college and the joys of getting to go home for Christmas. Here is the first semester of college as told by "The Grinch."
1. Looking at your class schedule.
Freshman register last, therefore they get the worst choice in classes.
2. When your friends invite you to go out.
3. Waking up to people screaming in the dorm halls.
Of course it always seems to happen in the middle of the night or really early in the morning.
4. Having to find something to wear. To anything.
Whether you're going to a party, Greek Life events, or a club parties, what you wear matters.
5. Forgetting that you have to do laundry and having to live with the consequences.
It happened to the best of us. You just couldn't find time to do laundry and you're stuck with the clothes you shouldn't have even brought to college in the first place.
6. Not having a normal eating schedule.
If you have to ask, you already know the answer.
7. Having class on the 3rd floor with no elevator.
It gets slightly easier as the semester goes on, but it's still never fun.
8. Finally getting the inspiration to write your next paper.
9. When finals are done and winter break starts.
December happens so quickly that Christmas is here before you know it.
10. When you get your final grades back.
At least you passed your class. Hopefully.