Never in history have the presidential candidates for President of the United States of America been so ridiculously terrifying.
Ridiculous because a majority of the people in this country are terrified because Trump and Clinton are our only choices, but we can do nothing but make memes and laugh about the whole situation hoping that by some miracle we will wake up from this nightmare.
Terrifying because the USA has come to the point where its choice is between an overgrown, racist, sexist, deceitful (the list doesn't end here...) bully and a conniving woman bent on giving the best and most convincing performance of her life.
The First Presidential Debate of 2016 was the epitome of a schoolyard brawl between two unhappy children. And don't get me wrong: Presidential debates usually, if not always, leave a lot to be desired, but this debate was comparable to a session of "but he did something worse than what I did" and "at least I didn't do X like he did." Both candidates were disrespectful to their host, Lester Holt, and at times blatantly disregarded the questions at hand in favor of bashing each other, making monkey faces (I apologize to all the monkeys that feel insulted at the comparison), laughing/chuckling/scoffing derisively or doing something equally, if not more, disrespectful and painful to witness.
It is apparent to me that these candidates do not have the best interest of the American people anywhere in or near their thoughts; if I am wrong feel free to correct me, but it is my moment to make use of that amendment that allows pitiful people, like Trump and Clinton, who have nothing useful to add to the world but hot air, to speak their minds freely. It is sad to say that the wrapper on my Halls' cough suppressant has more to say than the people who are running for 45th President of the United States. These are the people who are in the running to represent our interests at home and abroad, to make decisions on our behalf and to help guarantee the future success of this country. Things are not looking good.
On one hand, we have a man who is so unfit for politics that "unfit" doesn't come close to describing his inadequacy. When Trump is presented by one of the many questionable events/businesses/comments/etc. from his past, he eagerly changes the subject by seemingly answering the question while spewing absolute garbage that doesn't even belong in a landfill; he attacks someone's ancestry/sex/appearance/background, or he says "Well, I'm rich anyway," and acts as if that is sufficient. I don't want to ask how he even became a nominee because we all know how, but how did this happen? This man has changed his political affiliation more times than I change my nail polish, he has no political experience, he's a proud racist and he STILL has people that believe he can do no wrong. People please! I cannot change your mind or make you realize how ridiculous and disappointing your choice is, but you need to wake up before it's too late.
On the other hand, we have a woman who has been in politics for numerous years and has made many accomplishments as a woman. What is sad is that I would not be proud to call her my President - woman or not. Clinton is a liar, a deceiver and just plain old indecisive. The woman is trying to pull the wool over our eyes so she can get into the White House. In the debate on September 26th, Clinton repeatedly, and jokingly, covered up her flaws by pointing out Trump's flaws. I don't know about you, but I do not want a Commander-in-Chief who jokes about the future of the country and changing tactics just to please the crowd. If you want to please the crowd, Hillary, you are in the wrong line of work. Try stand-up comedy. Though I'm not sure they'll take you.
This is my attempt to illustrate the concern that I have for this country; something that people have been more and more eager to do in light of the individuals we have running for president. Up until this moment I have refrained from voicing my opinions on the presidential nominees because the words and vote of one person can only change so much and speaking (or in this case writing) about the state that our country is in does little to remedy it. The big US of A advertises and over-glorifies the rights and amendments that we have, as citizens. Don't misunderstand: I truly do appreciate the opportunities that America has afforded me, I am glad for the rights that I have (whether I exercise them or not), but what use is freedom of speech when no one listens? As a country, we have repeatedly expressed our concerns for the future of America if it is left in the hands of Trump or Clinton and the government has promised to protect our rights and interest, but talk is very cheap. What I am trying to say is that, we the United States of America, are royally screwed. At first I found myself saying, along with many others, "the choice is really between two evils and the tough decision will be between choosing the better candidate". But guess what? And I feel like you know where I'm headed with this: there is no better candidate. That's like saying choosing between death by firing squad or death by poison is not so terrible because at least you get a choice. What? (I wish you could hear the absolute disgust and disbelief in my voice) You're going to die either way so there .is. no. better. choice. I don't know about you, but I'd choose neither. You might say that I am throwing away my vote, but you do you because I'm gonna do me. Voting for either candidate is the same, if not worse, as throwing away your vote. Many of you would disagree with me, but that's cool too and that's why you're not me nor I you. We have the right, and I use this word very loosely, to make our own decisions and form our own opinions. Choose wisely people, because in a year we will all be suffering because of that same decision you will be making in less than a month.
This is what happens when you attempt to write about the 2016 Presidential debate: you realize that it is not even worth half your time to delve into all that bullcrap so you just take the time to rant instead.