A terrifying, electrifying, exciting, nerve-racking first. Something new and foreign to you.
Everyone has a first. Don’t worry if you are behind on one of them, or even have yet to have that first that someone else has.
A first kiss, a first intimate moment, first job, a first full time job, and or a first boyfriend, girlfriend. There are firsts all over the world, first time walking, first time riding a bike, first time driving a car. First time flying alone on an airplane, traveling alone, staying home alone, traveling to a new city, state, country.
There are many firsts. Not everyone can say they had a first time flying alone, or maybe to another country, but that’s okay. Your FIRST does not have to compare to someone else’s first. Not everyone blooms at the same rate, not everyone travels, and not everyone has found that loved one of theirs quite yet.
There are so many good, exciting, terrifying firsts. The experience may be fantastic and you are thrilled for many more firsts, but then there are times when it just doesn’t go as smoothly as planned.
Sadly, there are firsts that you rather not experience, first fist fight, first time getting in a car accident, first ticket, or first time being arrested. First time losing someone you love, first time for a funeral. These firsts are ones that are definitely not wanted.
But they prepare you. Just as your parents prepared you, when you started to walk and you fell down; that was a first of many falls in life to come, but they always encouraged you to get up, exclaiming, “You’re okay! Go ahead and try again!”
YOU may have your first real kiss at age 15, but he or she to your left or right may have yet to have theirs or maybe had theirs earlier.
What I’m saying is a first is a first but it is YOUR first. It is not THEIRS, but YOURS. You are the one that gets to experience it, good or bad, whether it's a learning experience or not.
There is no comparison and no one will know your exact feeling when that FIRST occurs, it may be similar to the experience someone else has, but it’s special. It’s yours.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions about that first time, maybe not the so intimate ones, but the more casual ones. Everyone looks a little paranoid when they're worried that they are doing something incorrectly and that’s okay. You should look awkward! You should be a bit nervous and confused because it is your first time. The other people who have been at that job for years, that school for years, that solo plane ride for their job, they understand. They had THEIR first and most people are willing to help if you are nervous and confused, so ask. They were once in your shoes. They had their first, and now it’s your turn.
For a first is something someone has to go through. It is okay to be nervous. Your first is your own first, not someone else’s experience. So jump and take that leap of faith.
What will your next first be?