This year, one of the most important moves in Mattel's toy industry has happened. American Girl has released the first ever African American "Girl of the Year" doll. I honestly wish I had a picture of my face the moment I saw it because I'm sure I lit up like a Christmas tree. Although the first historical doll American Girl ever made was black, it's still important that there's a Girl of the Year that is as well because usually it's the GOTY that gets the most attention in stores and online. I'm sure there have been other black girls like me wondering when a black GOTY would happen, which is why I'm not only happy for myself, I'm happy for chocolate girls all around the world because this is their moment. This is their moment to have a doll that's truly for them and that's an extremely important thing, especially for young girls with developing minds. I remember when I was younger, American Girl had maybe four or three black dolls, at least two of which I remember were light skinned, and the rest were caucasian with different hair lengths and colors. I also remember there only being one Asian doll for the longest time, which also believe it or not struck me as kind of odd.
The Girl of the Year's name is Gabriela McBride. She's the first thing you see when you enter the website, featuring her and her real look a like, who sports a beautiful natural hair style. The doll itself also has curly hair, which honestly made my heart even happier because with that move not only are they bringing representation of black girls, but representation of black girls with natural hair, something that lately has become a huge movement in black communities. Gabriela is a poet and a dancer, and she speaks at poetry events to help with her stutter, something she frequently struggles with. The plot of her story is essentially her speaking up against the destruction of her community's arts center, which means the world to her.
I'm obviously biased, but I truly think Gabriela is the most important Girl of the Year American Girl has ever made. I stopped collecting dolls a while ago, but I still check the home page of American Girl every single year to see what the GOTY looks like this year and what her story is, and when I checked this year, I just knew that we were finally getting somewhere. I've never felt so proud for something as simple as a toy company in my entire life, not even when Mattel made plus sized Barbies for the first time. Representation is so important in our youths lives. I'm happy that Mattel is realizing this, and taking action to make it known.
Thank You.