Finals Week Prayer
Please understand, we have tried our best
which we hope will be enough to satisfy our grades.
Please give us mercy and understand we are not all perfect.
Please do not drop our grades below the current letter grade.
Please do not ruin our GPA,
for if our GPA is ruined so is our scholarship money.
Finals Week, these credits add up to a degree which we need.
Please do not harm us the way you have done to others.
May there be a light at the end of the tunnel for us all.
May we survive and have a long, stressless winter break.
May our winter break be filled with real food and good memories.
May we all be blessed with the best grades and a solid GPA.
Finals Week, you may be deteriorating our mental health, causing uncountable amounts
of tears, and an unhealthy amount of stress.
However, we will rise above this.
For we are students who got into this university for a reason,
Because we can prove you wrong.
We can get the A's and B's we deserve after an all-nighter of studying.
Because we worked for it.
And in the name of Finals Week, may we all be blessed with some ray of sunshine at
the end of the tunnel.