Well there are always some basic necessities that you need for finals... some including notes obviously and of course your textbook.
If you are going to be going to study, you should probably come prepared. So first and foremost you are going to need a lot of things to keep your attention focused on final exams...
1. Snacks. Whether it is some type of junk food or just whatever else your heart desires - healthy or not. It is all up to the person studying. What gives your brain energy or what gives you enough energy to GET THROUGH IT!
2. Water. Do not ever forget it. Water is a must of all necessities. You may have some time of caffeinated beverage too, but that does not mean you do not need water! It is a basic necessity of life without it, well first of all life does not happen. Second, you kinda get some small minor headaches when water is not a big enough part of your life.
4. School supplies. As in be prepared. So if you need sticky notes, bring sticky notes. Need colored pens, have your assorted colored pens ready to go. If your gonna get something done, go get on it. The key to success is often just being prepared.
5. LAPTOP. Do not be the person that gets all the way there to only forget about your computer and the need that you have for it.
6. Quizlet or some online study tool. These type of things are the key to successful finals (at least for me). Especially if you choose to make it as the semester goes along so by the time finals comes around, you are already done and you have a review, study guide, and everything in one so that you are ready to go.
7. Gum. That may seem weird, but it keeps you awake and focused.
8. SLEEP. This is way beyond important if you do not have enough sleep, how is it possible for success to happen? No sleep = no focus. No focus = you are wasting your time.
9. Comfy clothes. Do not go dressed in a dress or slacks or anything of the sort to go study. You are going to study, so you may as well have one last thing to worry about by wearing comfortable clothes.
10. Bring a Break. Meaning something that you want to do during a break that is not watching more Netflix or staying on your computer. So bring a book or nail polish or some other thing to do. Let your mind wander away.
11. Be willing to take a break. Continuing to try and get stuff done is going to do nothing good for you. Breaks are necessary for the best results.
All in all, go prepared to get stuff done. Put your phone away and be ready to work.You got this down.