As spring break comes to an end and visions of warmer days dance in our heads, it's getting more and more difficult to focus on school. I've recently discovered the new HBO original show: Big Little Lies, and it's quite possibly the best thing to happen to me this spring. Here's the rest of the semester as told by the cast of Big Little Lies:
#1. Coming back from spring break and trying to readjust yourself to the FREEZING "spring" weather:
#2. When your professors start talking about finals:
#3. Trying to figure out how many more lectures you can miss before it starts to count against you/affect your grade:
#4. When your first mental break down hits because you realized you have so much work left to do:
#5. That moment when you are out on a Friday and all you can think about is the term paper you haven't even started:
#6. When you hit the final month and all of sudden you have two tests per week and four final projects due:
#7. That five second period where you actually are motivated:
#8. When it's the final week and it takes everything in you to stay focused:
#9. When you're finally done with classes and finals and you realize you get to go home:
#10. As you drive away and you realize you'll actually miss Syracuse this summer:
If you haven't seen this show, go watch it. Now. You've earned a studying break (probably).