The Final Entry - Part One | The Odyssey Online
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The Final Entry - Part One

Learn about Cassie Miller's last few nights on earth.

The Final Entry - Part One

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction and has no correlation to any other works, real life events, people, or places. Any connection found is simply coincidence.

The Final Entry - Part One: Exciting News

*Hello, I am detective Gordon Munro of the Tinder Bay Police Department. Recently, we have a string of missing person reports coming in and all of the missing people are being reported as last seen around India St. I was finally called to the scene when yet another came in with the same detail. I finally took a look around the area and found only one connection, an old abandoned site known as Hemlock Mansion. supposedly, it is known as the "site of no return" as people who have supposedly spent the night in the mansion, never come back out. Well, one of these people finally left something close to evidence. The girl is Cassie Miller, a local high school student with a brilliant future in writing according to her mother and step-father. She along with two others, Lucy Smith and Thomas Vincent (who are also missing) had supposedly gone to the mansion on a dare by her friends on Saturday, September 10. The difference between her and twelve others to go missing in the area, she actually left behind some notes. According to her last diary entry, she was going to write timely notes while she was in the mansion. While none have been recovered yet, we are working on getting a warrant to investigate the mansion in hopes of recovering some of these notes that Cassie supposedly left behind. Perhaps with these, we can solve the mysteries of theirs and the twelve other disappearances. Any text from me will be marked with stars before and after the text. Any information related to hers or any other disappearances in the area should be reported immediately to the TBPD immediately. Thank you.*

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 : 4:43 p.m.

OMG! I cannot believe we just agreed to this stupid dare to spend a night in Hemlock Mansion. We would have had four people if that idiot Bernhard hadn't chickened out! Oh well, guess it will just be Lucy, Tom, and I. Even with all our excitement, I still have troubling feelings about this. I know of at least three others that supposedly went missing in the area, and I know about the rumors that people who enter at night don't come out. Well, I guess to soothe these nerves I should do something about it. I'd bring a camera but first off, I'm completely clueless about how to use it, and I don't really want this turning into one of those stupid "found footage" movies. I'll think about it more through the days. We are planning on spending the night on Saturday. We're just waiting for Tom to get the okay from the caretaker. Oh well, I guess I got myself into it, might as well go through.

-Cassie Miller

Friday, September 9, 2016: 10:36 p.m.

Well, tomorrow is the big night, I suppose I should be happy that Tom finally got the okay from the caretaker. I am even more worried, though, Tom said that the caretaker was really scared about going near the mansion again. I'm actually surprised he hasn't sold the place, even though it most likely wouldn't go for much since the place is old and somewhat decrepit. Well, I guess there isn't much that can be done at this point in time (other than bloody bulldozing the joint.) All I can tell you is that I am super anxious, which I guess can be called a good or bad thing. *sigh* I guess we should just prepare. Also, I've decided on how I am going to document my tracks. I am going to try and write small diary-like entries on some scrap paper and record my findings. I guess that is the only thing that will calm my nerves. Anyway, I'm going to pack it up for the night. Got a long night ahead!

-Cassie Miller

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