When most people think of feminists, they picture bra-burning, man-hating women who haven't shaved their legs in a year. This cauticurature of feminists is unfortunately what some people believe that feminism is about. The word "feminist" is practically as taboo as any other curse word in today's society. Feminism is perceived as a taboo especially with some men who feel that feminism is about hating men. However, a true feminist knows that feminism is not at all about hating men but rather about complete political, economic, and social equality to men.
One of the main reasons that so many people are turned away from feminism is that the meaning of the word feminist has become misconstrued by many people. Some who call themselves feminists want women to eventually become superior to men, which is actually the opposite of what feminism is. These types of "feminists" are sometimes referred to as "feminazis". While I don't agree with comparing extreme, radical feminists to the killing machines that Nazis were, I believe that these types of man-hating women are not true feminists. On the online blogging website Tumblr, I have seen many cases of radical feminists. These women (and sometimes even men) claim that women who wear makeup, date, and shave their legs and armpits can never be feminists because they are submitting themselves to the ideals that men and society want them to have. Some also think that women should not be homemakers and that all women should get "real" jobs. I disagree with this belief. Being a feminist should not be based upon how you dress, your career, or the amount of makeup you wear. Instead, feminism should be based upon working together as women and men to change the injustices that women face every day.
It really upsets me when some extreme feminists tear other women down for doing things that they love. I am sick of hearing the phrase "basic bitch" to describe women who do stereotypical feminine things like shopping at PINK, watching "Gossip Girl," and wearing Uggs. Wearing all black, listening to grunge, and having 300 followers on Tumblr does not make anyone superior to any other woman. Making fun of women who enjoy stereotypical types of things only adds to society's sexism and prejudice against women. Not to mention that it makes these women want to turn against feminism since they've experienced it in a negative way. You can be a feminist if you fit every female stereotype in the world and you can be a feminist if you fit none. Feminism has no boundaries.
Whether you find yourself turning up your nose at the thought of ever being a feminist or if you are already a self-proclaimed feminist, remember what true feminism is about: complete equality to men. Do you believe that women should be completely equal to men? Then you are already a feminist.