Star charting is an interesting concept. You can get to a point where you think you have all of your constellations in check. You feel like you finally have a map in your hand and you are ready to embark on this new discovery. Then suddenly, you find yourself catching a new star cluster. It doesn’t really matter when you reach your final destination, who really knows where the stars can lead to. The path to new discoveries are where one grows and learns the most. Sometimes following a perfect map does not fulfill the path of the gravitational pull that restless wanderlust can take you on.
So you reach your new constellation. You find you're staring outwards at the beginning of the weathered pavement. Looking above at a full set of new stars,twinkling of possibility. You might not know how long you will be staying, or maybe you have a set departure date. It doesn’t really matter though, you are here now. For the time being this is where your life is going to be lived, even if it's just for a few moments. You might be afraid to drive full force into this new horizon- especially because you know that eventually, the stars will dim and it will be time to chart some more. Crazy thing about stars though, they might dim but it takes millions of years to burn out. They will rotate and move far away, but if you look hard enough, you will see those stars again.
Jump in, there is no reason why you should hold back. If you find a star that catches your attention, learn about them. Yes, they may only be here for limited time but that’s okay. Just because they are living in an impermanent position and the time you can spend with that star is restrained, it’s only due to the laws of gravity. There is a reason why the world pulled you together. The time you spend with that star can either be held back by the fear of the natural force of the world or, you can immerse into the current.
The world is still going to be spinning, changing the stars you’ll chart in the sky. If you find a star you want to keep, even though you’re both moving- the light is not going to burn out anytime soon. You and that star are still going to be together in the galaxy. The world is always moving and with time you, will be with that star again.
Stars and people are similar, more similar than you could ever imagine.Wherever your star charting takes you- if you find those special stars, do not let the force of the world frighten you of what could be. Do not fear keeping stars