When the homework assignments pile up, you have three midterms in the same week, a group presentation on Friday and still want time to eat what do you do? Contemplate dropping out. Admit it. It's true. The overwhelming stress of college gets to you and you can either push through it or quit. You might think to yourself, "Hey, if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college, then I can too!" But then, you sit back and realize that you are in college for a reason and dropping out seems so scary. What would you do with your life? Would you be stuck at a dead-end job and not be able to provide for a future family? Or, would you graduate college, find a job, and end up hating it and wishing you dropped out to figure out what exactly you wanted out of life.
College isn't for everyone. Sure, going to college is pretty much what society expects after graduating high school. However, if you go and find it's not for you then what's the harm in dropping out? Save the money you would have paid for tuition and take some time to figure out where you belong in life. Maybe you do go back to college, or you find that blogging is your true calling. There's such a stigma today about people who don't go to college. So what? The important thing is to do what's best for your emotional and physical well-being. If that involves college, OK, cool. If not, that's OK too.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about dropping out of college. I've never enjoyed going to school and the stress gets too much at times. I'd much rather be out in the workforce already instead of struggling to study. However, like most people in college, I need a degree to get the job I want. The idea of dropping out isn't scary to me because I know I can always do it if I need to. Having that in the back of my brain makes me work harder toward my goals and you know what? Taking a break from college isn't the worst thing in the world.
If you want to drop out of college, weigh the pros and cons. That's what I did, and I ended up sticking with school. There are going to be hell weeks and calm weeks, which is just a part of life. If you want to drop out just as much on the calm weeks as the hell weeks then maybe college just isn't for you at this time. That's OK. Don't be scared. Do what is going to make you happy.