With summer around the corner, people are hitting their "get in shape" resolutions harder than ever, all in order to attain that perfect beach bod. This time of year, gyms are packed and health food shelves are left bare while everyone works to bring their goals to completion. However, soon and without fail, many people, frustrated that they are not seeing results, end up quitting and regressing back to their old ways — ice cream and Netflix instead of quinoa and the treadmill. The problem with this situation isn't that the new gym goers quit, it's that they were frustrated with their bodies. And that is the problem with most — if not all — of us.
Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself. It's perfectly all right to want to be stronger, faster and more in shape.
But hear this: "in shape" is not synonymous with "skinny". The problem with our bodies today is that we do not love ourselves for who we are.
You are not worth any less if you cannot fit into a size zero dress.
You are not any less liked if you cannot wear a bathing suit and look like a VS model.
You are not any less of a person if you do not weigh less than a certain amount!
The problem with our bodies is that they do not feel loved. Our bodies deserve to be taken care of, they need to be fueled, rested and well fed because otherwise they will start to get sick and weigh us down.
If you truly want to take on a healthier lifestyle, then do it for yourself and not because you want to look killer on the beach or so you'll "fit in" with the people of your demographic. Bodies are just that, bodies. They are not determining factors in any aspect of your life, and once we start to realize that then we can become truly happy.
Our bodies do not deserve to be hated. All they've ever done is protect us and give us everything - literally - we need to function. Being healthy doesn't fit into any mold, and being a certain body type doesn't guarantee you happiness.
You're only given one body, and you owe it to that body to love and cherish it and treat it right. Be healthy, be fit, but don't do it because you hate your body. Do it because you love it.