When people think about college, they think of loans, and debt, and trying to fit in a Sorority or Frat group and trying to figure out what career best suits us. Basically, trying to fit in and not die on our own, and trying to prove to our mom that we don't need her every two seconds. Even though, we cry ourselves to sleep because she's not there.
But for me? Yes, I will be in a lot of debt and I am a cry baby, but I'm not scared. Why? Because the first day that I was at orientation at Faulkner University, I met a group of girls that I know that we will be able to stick together through the thick and thin. Heck, we already have since we have known each other for the past three months! So why the stripes? Are you sure that ya'll did not know each other before? Yes I am sure, I promise. We actually became friends just because of the stripes, honestly.
STORY TIME: So after our first meeting at orientation, everyone was told to either get your schedule or to have three hours of free time until supper. So in my case I had free time for ever and ever. As I walk out of the room alone, there is a girl who is casually walking out with me, and she is wearing stripes as well! We look at each other and smile and I point to her and yell "STRIPES" and she laughs and nods her head and says "STRIPES! LETS BE FRIENDS!" And that blossomed the friendship of Catherine Inness and I. Later on, we caught up with my best friend and roommate Zahriya and we went to get our schedules. Then Catherine and I saw Destiny and Alexis. We both looked at each other and said "STRIPES!!", so we ran over to them and introduced ourselves and began talking about everything! Time passed and it was supper time, where we found our way to the campus wide "Caf" and found Kristen. We met up with her later on at Jamboree and found themselves to both like clothes and became roommates!
Now down below in the picture are "The Twins" and Zahriya. I have known "The Twins" Victoria and Olivia for the past three years, all because of Horizons at FHU and a few friends. Zahriya is of course right beside me in the Star Wars shirt. All together we are in a huge group message and talk just about everyday about life. We are always there for each other no matter what time of day or what situation. We are true sisters and I love that feeling even though we have not even been all together at the same time in the same room. And I can bet you 100 percent that we have a countdown for August 13th, where we can take the "Striped Squad" pic and be happy together for all of eternity.