There comes a time when we are all faced with the impending question of why it is that we are single. Now many of you may be thinking, why on earth would someone ask such a personal question that is most definitely none of their business, well the truth is that question although intrusive doesn't bother me; in fact, that question left me questioning myself, "why am I single?"
Well, the truth is folks it's not because I am a man hater. No, that isn't it at all. I could sit here bashing all of the gentlemen that broke my heart but in the end what good is that going to do me. I have no desire to start a war between genders. No, you see I am single because I am not ready to love someone yet, I have a hard enough time loving myself and I have some things that I need to work on.
"Yeah, but it's nice to have someone to lean on", you are right darling dears, it feels amazing to have someone to lean on and support you when you feel as though you can barely do it on your own. My question to you is, why does it have to be a man? Why can't it be my best friendKate? Or one of my four sisters? My mother, father, grandma, grandpa, hell even a cousin? The person I choose to lean on in my time of growth doesn't have to be my boyfriend.
Contrary to what you may believe to be true, you do NOT need a boyfriend. Nowhere in the book of life does it state: must have boyfriend or life will not be complete. If I loved someone other than myself right now I can guarantee that it would end in disaster.
In life you have to be comfortable with being by yourself, whether it's taking a trip alone or simply sitting outside on the rickety swing. In those moments your mind shouldn't wander to loneliness, it should wander to adventure.
I have loved a lot of people and I have only ever been completely and devastatingly in love once. I made it my mission to attempt to find that love I once felt and each time it ended abruptly and tearfully. It was to no fault but my own, I kept trying to see a future in every guy that crossed my path.
I believe in Fate; I believe that one day I am going to be crossing the street and I might slip on a patch of ice, all to end up in the arms of complete stranger helping me to get my bearings. I believe that I will be in a pub in Ireland and that guy at the end of the bar is finally going to ask for the number of the visiting American. I believe I am going to be in Barnes and Noble getting ready to grab a copy of Wuthering Heights and a warm strong hand is going to grab the copy at the exact same time as I do.
I believe that I am going to live my life as full and as adventurous as I possibly can. One day, somewhere, someplace love will find me at the right time and right now isn't that time and I am more than ok with that.
I will find comfort in the alone time that I have. I will do the things that I keep saying I will do but somehow never get around too. I will work on the person that I want to become and in the meantime I will learn to love myself, in all of its raw and nakedness.
-The Single Lady