The Fascinating Work Of Poet, Rupi Kaur | The Odyssey Online
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The Fascinating Work Of Poet, Rupi Kaur

How her honest poetry has made me look at life differently.

The Fascinating Work Of Poet, Rupi Kaur

I was never a huge fan of poetry. I think I always felt like what these people were writing seemed fake. Poetry is one of those genres where these kinds of people write because they want to sound intellectual and emotional, when in reality they're just making it all up. But then again, there are people like this tainting all genres of literature. Over the last few years I have found that my most enjoyable reading experiences have been with pieces of writing that I can connect with and have just stuck with me long after I've finished reading them. I have felt this way after reading books but what I’ve come to realize about poetry is that you can feel a whole novels worth of emotion in just one line of poetry. Poetry is vulnerable in a time that vulnerability is seen as a weakness. Even though it might be hard for you to see past the bullshit and find really good poetry, it will be well worth it when you do.

This leads me to Rupi Kaur. I’m not exactly sure when I stumbled across her poems and her book “milk and honey” but I do know that I have been changed ever since. Rupi is a 23-year-old writer based in Toronto. She was born in Punjab, a state in northeast India, and immigrated to Canada with her mom at the age of 3. Coming from an immigrant family they couldn't afford to sign up for sports or summer camps so the arts were something Rupi could explore at home. She loved to draw and read books like her life depended on it. It wasn’t until she was 17 that she decided to focus more on her passion for writing and performing. In 2009 she began to perform her poetry as spoken word in Canada and this went on for a few years. By November of 2014, Rupi had self published her first collection of poems titled ‘milk and honey’.

On her creative process:
"It isn't very different from poem to poem. I use the same approach. The idea will come like a flash of light in front of my eyes and I'll scramble to find a place to write it down. My creation process is this...write down my feelings and thoughts as honestly as possible. I've realized when I'm being honest with myself, I create my best work."

When Rupi is not writing she dabbles in illustrating, design, photography, videography, and creative direction. Her writing career has lead her to performing spoken word across the world while also facilitating writing workshops. Although she utilizes a lot of creative mediums all of her work engages with the same themes. She gets inspiration through her own life experience and through others experiences, which she encounters, through life and travel. Her powerful voice shines through her poetry and always leaves you wanting more. Everything she says is extremely raw and honest but so beautifully put that the words just flow from one page to another.

On her book:
“‘milk and honey’ is the experience of violence. Abuse. Love. Loss. Femininity. The book is divided into four chapters. Each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. Milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.”

Below are some examples of Rupi’s poetry that can be found in her book ‘milk and honey’.

On kindness.

On "the greatest lesson a woman should learn."

On not "being like other girls."

On "fathers with daughters."

For more of Rupi's work be sure to check out her website and follow her on twitter and instagram.

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