Americans drink 587 million cups of coffeea day. In case you weren’t sure, that's a lot. Often, it's simply passing through the drive-thru at our local Starbucks or (ugh) Dunkin’ Donuts. We are in such a hurry and simply look at coffee as our drug of choice to make it through the day and reach the next one; but coffee can be and is so much more than that.
Coffee started, as legend has it, through the goats of a man name Kaldi of Ethiopia. The story goes that the goats would eat the coffee cherries and become hyperactive. Kaldi became curious and tried them himself, to which he experienced the magical powers of caffeine.
Today, coffee has lost its wonder. Its exotic history is hidden by a cardboard sleeve and sticker. Sure, the mom and pop coffee shops are still around, but often the focus is on the almighty dollar. Coffee is a $20 billion industry, and is growing every year. Most coffee shops are expanding into an almost fast-food culture with the introduction of ready to eat meals, and it hardly feels like that place where you come and live life with others.
Coffee has the unique ability to bring anyone and everyone together, regardless of race, class or creed. One of my favorite things to do is to make a French press of coffee with friends and enjoy hours of conversation about life, and the possibility of learning how to teleport.
Let’s take time to do real coffee tastings. Let’s get to the bottom of flavors and origins. Let’s learn something new about something! Get excited! Coffee is crazy interesting. Let’s take a moment to stop rushing around and just appreciate a freakin’ cup of coffee. It’s magic. It’s beauty. I’d marry it if I could, but would probably have to stick with decaf.
Our culture keeps pushing us to our limits. Get in. Get out. Get going. When are we going to stop and say “Hey life chill out! Gosh.”
Now, I realize that most of us can’t just put our lives on hold, but we need to take moments to slow down. Even if just once a week we take a day to go and sit in a coffee shop with a friend and simply let life happen.
Coffee can build a relationship. Some of my greatest and strongest relationships started as two people meeting over coffee and boom, instant (give or take) friendship. Plus, how many marriages started as two socially awkward young adults who were just “getting coffee?"
My challenge to you is to take a moment and just enjoy your coffee. Not on your way to work. Not for your quick fix during classes, but simply to just enjoy your coffee. Appreciate what a wonderful thing it is. Talk to your barista. Find out their story.
Who knows? Maybe someone will be telling your story over coffee someday.