I was driving with my best friend down the highway, heading to a large park so we could play some Pokemon Go! in our attempt to catch them all. We hit some traffic which didn't seem too out of the ordinary since it was almost 6:00 p.m. on a weekday. However, soon we find out the real reason for the traffic jam.
A motorcyclist going the opposite direction got into an accident. When we passed by the scene, the highway was filled with firetrucks and police officers, then we caught an up close glimpse of a figure laying on the ground, covered with a white sheet. We drove on when the traffic in front of us disappeared, however we couldn't stop continuing to comment on how crazy it was to see something that morbid in real life.
The next day I read a news article that confirmed what my best friend and I believed: the man driving the motorcycle had died. It was reported that he was going well over the speed limit when he crashed into a truck, ending his life.
I don't know who this man was, but I was struck with emotional despair when I thought about the last few moments of his life. Was it quick? Did he feel pain? If he was able to look back now, were those few extra miles per hour worth losing his life over?
I am no stranger to death, I've known friends and family who have been laid to rest, too many to even think about without becoming emotionally distraught. Some of these lives were ended because of old age, and some were tragic accidents that took them all too soon.
There are only two things that are certain in this life: we will be born, and then we will die. Death is something that is looming a head of everyone, whether we choose to acknowledge that fact or not. I know I prefer to think of the life I have ahead of me instead of constantly wondering when that life will end.
Death is constantly hanging over our heads as a fact of life, yet when I look at what I do every day I realize that I never think about it. I never wonder if this is my last day on Earth or if I will have another one tomorrow. As I am sitting here writing this article, some of my best friends and my boyfriend are cooking tonight's dinner, we are planning to move into our respective apartments in a month, we're planning an end of summer camping trip, and I can't help but smile.
I enjoy this life that I have made for myself over the past few years since I declared myself independent. If I had a chance to know when my life would end, I probably wouldn't take it. I wouldn't want to live my last few days without this sense of relaxation and utter happiness.
However, I will try to keep my car going the speed limit, I won't submerge any electric appliances in water, and I will always look both ways before I cross the stress. While I don't want to know when my state of living bliss will end, I wont tempt death in any other ways. I will continue to live my life the way I want to and I will enjoy every breath that I take.