With school starting this month, I can just feel the excitement of opening new notebooks and sharpening pencils. I know that throughout my previous years of schooling that I was super excited for some years and really hesitant for others. It wasn't because my school was poor or because I didn't have any friends, but more because I didn't want to start doing homework every night -- or maybe it was because I didn't want to start getting up at the butt-crack of dawn. Either way, I am so excited for school to start now that I am in college, I get to redeem my independence and hang out with all of my sorority sisters again.
Elementary school.
You get super excited to start every year in elementary school because the hardest test that you have are the multiplication tests every three months. The time spent in elementary school buying Valentine's cards and candy for each student in your class was the best because you got to show everyone that your mom was willing to spend the extra $2 for the Spider-Man and "Frozen" cards and candy.
Middle school.
These two or three years (depending on where you go to middle or secondary school), are some of the worst. I know that my seventh grade didn't actually happen because I was so awkward that is was such a blur. Trying to buy Hollister and Abercrombie sweaters to show off the barely there cleavage to the boys who were awkwardly going through puberty, and would get a boner every time you bent down to pick up a pencil.
High school.
The thing with high school is that you either love it or you hate it, that is what I have gathered after my four years in the building that I like to think of as more of a casual prison. I loved high school just because my friend group that I was in made it so much fun, but I know that if you don't have a good group of friends that high school can be really hard. On a scale of one to 10 of how excited I was for starting each year in high school it was a solid three every year. I was excited to see my friends and attend the football games each Friday night, but the teachers weren't always my favorite and the course load for an AP student like myself was ridiculous.College.
I couldn't wait to go back to college to start my sophomore year. I missed all of my sorority sisters and all of my friends that I made in the dorms. I also couldn't wait to get my independence back and to be my own person again. Once you go to college and then come back for the summer or for Thanksgiving/winter/spring break you miss the course load because the course load means that you get to live on your own. College is a great experience for people who are really close to their parents (like me) because you get to become your own person.
What I have noticed about the excitement levels of starting school depending on your age group is that it goes in a complete circle. Where at the beginning when you're younger you are so excited to start school each year, then you get into middle and high school and you don't want to start, but then you get into college and you are thrilled to have tests every two weeks because it means you are back in college! Obviously, this isn't the say-all-and-be-all of how excited everyone has to be on their first days of school, this is just the trend that I have seen and have also experienced myself.
Good luck, everyone. Study hard. Try not to procrastinate too much.