Your first year in a sorority is an exciting time full of firsts: first formal, first philanthropy event and first time officially being able to call someone your sister. As your first year goes on, you start to grow and change through your experiences with your sorority. And as the year goes on, your pledge class GroupMe changes along with you.
The first few weeks of school
The first weeks of school the pledge class GroupMe is full of excitement and love for all of your new sisters. Bid day is full messages that say "I love love love all 100 of you already!!!!" even though you've only met that one girl with which you opened your bid card. After the excitement of Bid Day begins to die down and the reality of school begins to sink in, your GroupMe becomes flooded with questions about classes, professors, and locations on campus. When I say flooded, I mean flooded. Not only is it enough for all 100 girls in your pledge class to send pictures of their schedules, it is also necessary to say "OMG we have Biology together!!" for every single class you have with one of your new sisters.
The day of the first event with a fraternity
This will probably be one of the most important days of your college career. The GroupMe is buzzing all day about what everyone is wearing and questions about when and where to meet, “just to clarify” for the 10th time. However, the greatest part of your pledge class GroupMe and an event with a fraternity is the morning after when girls send funny and embarrassing pictures of one another from the event. This is more of a bonding experience than any pledge class retreat.
During Winter Break
It's a long month away from school and you really start to miss the girls that have become your best friends over the first semester. Your GroupMe begins to wind down since everyone is home with friends and family, until "the night" happens. This occurs when your pledge class has had just about enough of being away from one another, and weird things start to happen. Girls begin to reveal their most embarrassing stories and send the most unfortunate pictures of themselves to fill the void of no longer being together every day. You learn a lot about your friends through this exchange, and you learn to love these crazy weirdos all over again.
Midway through second semester
Everyone is just done with school. We barely have any motivation to study for the nine tests in the upcoming week, much less do anything else other than watch seven episodes of "Grey's Anatomy." Therefore, the GroupMe consists solely of asking one another who we contact if we can't make it to the chapter meeting even though we just don't feel like going, and how much the fine is for not going to something just because we don't feel like going. This is a dark time in the semester in which our GPAs drop and our fee bill rises with fines.
Move-out day
Luckily I have yet to experience this sad day, but it is a day I have been dreading ever since I first stepped foot on campus. This will be such an unfortunate day because it is the day we will be forced to leave the amazing girls that made the past year the most amazing year yet. I suspect the pledge class GroupMe will be full of sweet messages sending each other away and messages saying how great this year has been, but there would be no message that could accurately describe our sentiments for just how much we appreciate one another, and just how much we love one another. Until next year, PC 15!