Summer, no matter what grade you're in, has always been a heartfelt moment to sum up the school year. It makes the school work seem worthwhile, as we are finally able to embrace some well-deserved free time. As we get older, our excitement for summer both grows and fades in many ways. In college our visions and hopes of the vacation are in completely new areas. We go from just being excited to relax in younger school years, to being excited to see family and old friends we haven't seen in forever, being able to eat home cooked meals again, being able to sleep again, and sometimes even venturing out to find opportunities such as jobs, internships, or traveling. Summer goes from being a nice annual event, to a great opportunity that awaits prosperity and great adventures.
On top of this, we learn through the process of growing up how to better cherish free time, which seems to deteriorate as we gradually take on more responsibilities in our lives. Summers become more important to us, and from that, we usually see it as a more valuable thing that we need to do more with, whether by having fun, being productive, or doing more than just sleeping in and watching Netflix all summer long.
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From the first time I ever went home for summer in college, I realized it was going to be the most different summer I have ever entered. Everything from reuniting with family after being on my own for a year, to reflecting on the most work-intensive year in school I've done by far, to being at what felt like a different home to me, my true home feeling as though it was college then, put summer into perspective for me.
Summers in college are quite the different experience, because naturally we will have busier summers that consist of working, internships, traveling, and working on our goals. In college, for those of us who truly want to prosper and go towards our goals, some of us feel more destined to get a summer job, or find more opportunities to progress us towards our dream jobs. I certainly feel this way, from the motivation I have gotten out of college, and everything I've worked towards. I don't want an overly-relaxed state over summer to take a toll on what I've learned on over the course of a whole school year.
From my freshman year of college, up until now -- where I am now technically a senior -- I feel as though this summer should be an opportunity to continue progressing my career goal. I have time over the next few months to do things I wouldn't normally have time to do in college, so I feel more obligated to do something, even though I know I could completely relax for the next few months. However, this would be an unwise decision on my part, and I enjoy continuing working towards what I am passionate about. Now is the time to explore things outside of college that relate to my education and interests, for it is very possible to enjoy summer and be productive.
All in all, summer is still a joyous moment that is more different than ever, and constantly changing, but it is still enjoyable. The amount of opportunities that are open to us now that we are older are incredible, and every one of us should realize that these are the summers we have opportunities to explore things outside of college, independently, while still being able to have some fun in the sun.