Time. Something we all wish we had more of. Not necessarily for ourselves but for those in our lives that didn’t get enough of it. Whether their time was ended through a decision of their own, an illness that couldn’t be beaten, an accident that ended in a fatality, or simply their old age got them to the time they were allotted.
Some believe when your time on this Earth comes to an end that you become nothing but a memory. Some believe you come back new and improved with a new time stamp; a new path of life to take. I guess I kind of believe in both. Time is so unique because as time passes, memories begin to fade, making room for new memories. However, as we move through time, it makes you realize what you hold onto. The “times” you hold onto. Times spent with a friend, a parent, a cousin, a grandparent, or a child. Subconsciously we use some of our personal time remembering times others have had. As anniversaries of events come around, we clear the cobwebs for the memories of those we remember to come out and we remember their time. We look through pictures, videos, old letters and it makes you think.
We, as humans, are all lucky enough to go on the crazy adventure of life. We hypothetically should get 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year so on and so forth. It’s what we do with that time that formulates our unique life and the memories that others will look back on. No matter what age you are, where you come from, or where you wish to go, you can accomplish anything. Time doesn’t tailor to the amount of money you have, the car you drive, the clothes you own, or the house you live in. Time is all too precious for that. Time cares about what in your life you choose to make your mark on, and who. If you’re not truly living, what is it that's holding you back? Forget the heartache, the pain, the fears, whatever is stopping you, because eventually, everyone’s time runs out. And being that our birth certificates don’t come with an end stamp, any moment could be your last. So take your time to realize the value of your time on your life endeavor and don’t let anything hold you back. Make amends with enemies, share a smile with a stranger, and follow what your mind and heart tell you to do. Don’t go through life doing things you don’t love because nothing in this world is a guarantee. Today, tomorrow, hell, and an hour from right now all aren’t guaranteed. So live life according to your specialized blueprint and don’t allow anything to slow you down. Take the time you have and use it doing things you want to do.
How will you be remembered? What memories of you will generations below you hold on to? Take pictures, write down your hopes, dreams, and fears. Not only for you but for those in your life that look back on your “time.” Each individual is so unique. Their timeline is unlike anyone else's. So move forward and do what you love. Make your mark. Living a life full of "what if's" isn't truly living. Do what you love with who you love. You’re running out of time.