November 16, 2016.
This is the day that I almost killed someone.
Let me explain... I was on my way to school that morning and as I was going down the bypass at 50 miles an hour there was a man probably in his 40's jogging. He was on the opposite side of the road and as I was approaching I saw him start to cross the street (running). As he was jogging his eyesight was locked on my car coming and yet he KEPT RUNNING. Thinking that I guess he could outrun my car going 50 miles an hour? Well you will be happy to know that after I slammed on brakes, watching this guy's life flash before my eyes, I stopped, just barely passing him before he reached me, however, when I stopped he ran his side into the back of my car. In complete shock over the situation I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was alright and not on the ground when he literally seemed to bounce off the back and kept running till he reached the other side of the road safely.
That was the scariest moment of my life.
That man's life could have been taken. He could've been someone's father, maybe even grandfather and they would have lost him by the hands of his misjudgment and Ruby's hood.
Immediately after I called my boyfriend which funny enough woke him up. As I was talking to him I realized I needed to talk to my dad. After all what if that was my own dad? What if my dad got ran over by some 19 year old girl? I would be DEVASTATED. However, my dad would never make such a poor judgment call while running, mostly cause my dad just doesn't take really risky chances like that. That's besides the point though.
This shook me up because even though if anything did SERIOUSLY happen, it wouldn't have been my fault because he was crossing oncoming traffic and when he could have waited till I passed in the median he decided he was superman and tried to beat me. But I couldn't live with myself knowing I took a man's life. Someone could have lost a dad, a grandpa, and a son. That just blows my mind.
The moral of the story is don't think you can beat a car going 50 miles an hour, jogging.
Life is short, so don't live it by RUNNING INTO TRAFFIC it just isn't safe.