You've heard of myers-briggs, the disc test, and maybe even the color code test. These personality tests have been used by many, but the test that has been talked about most lately is the enneagram. You may have heard people say, "I'm a number one, what are you?" The enneagram is a personality typing system that has nine categories. Here's a few tips on how to diagnose what enneagram type you are.
1.Taking an enneagram quiz is a good place to start, BUT don’t stop there.
In order to get a start on discovering your personality type on the enneagram, taking a quiz is the first step! Follow this link to take a free test!
Now once you’ve taken the test, follow this link to learn more about the number you were given.
After reading the description you may be thinking, “wait that’s not me at all.” If that’s the case, no worries. The same thing happened to me. The first time I took the quiz, I received the results that I was a type two, known as “the Helper”. While I think I do have some traits of a two, it definitely is not what number I identify most with. So I did some research into every single personality type on my own and diagnosed myself. I found that I am a type four, “the individualist”. It took a lot of looking inside myself and being honest about who I was. For a while I was frustrated because I couldn’t figure out what type I was. I had people tell me I was a two. Others told me I was a six. Some told me I seemed like a nine. And then on the opposite spectrum someone said I seemed like an eight. I was very confused to say the least. But I realized, no one knows me better than me. I had to figure out what number I was on my own.
2. You will never be EXACTLY like one number.
One thing that took me awhile to grasp about the enneagram, and really any personality test, is that these tests will never be able to explain me exactly. Humanity is much more intricate than we give it credit for. It is impossible to categorize us all into strict groups and put us in boxes. However, I think many tests, especially the enneagram, give us a pretty good idea of what group were in. Whatever enneagram personality type you fit into will be the one you’re MOST like, not the one you’re EXACTLY like. You’ll find that you have things from all the numbers you identify with, but what number do you identify most with? I think the following analogy explains it nicely. Say that enneagram number four (my number) is the color blue. There is an infinite number of shades of blue but none the less all those shades are still considered blue. In the same way, no number four will be exactly like the another number four. God did not create us to be replicas of each other, but never the less, two number fours will have a lot more in common than say a number four and a number seven.
3. Don’t only read the positive things about each number, read the negative parts as well.
One thing that is particularly helpful about the enneagram is that it doesn’t only tell you what is good about your personality. Of course it does tell us our gifts, because every personality is needed in this world and every personality has positives. But one of the goals or purposes of the enneagram is personal growth. We can’t grow unless we know what things we need to work on. So when you’re trying to diagnose which personality type you are, go to the explanations of the faults of each personality type. It might become easier for you to see what personality type you are by being honest about what your faults are.
4. Don’t only research your personality type!
The enneagram does not only have to be for personal growth and discovery. It also can be a great way to learn more about loved ones and people you’re close to. Knowing more about why they are the way they are can help you understand them better and give them grace. For example, say your best friend is a six on the enneagram. If you research a six, you’ll find out that one of their faults is letting anxiety and worry consume them. The next time your friend is worrying about something more than the situation calls for, instead of getting upset and saying “well just stop worrying!”. You can understand that this is a fault in their personality. Of course, it’s important not to use a personality as a crutch. We don’t want to fall into the trap of saying, “well that’s just how they are.” But you can have grace on them and help them work through this worry that their personality type is prone to.
This is only scratching the surface on what the enneagram is, I could say so much more about it and how I appreciate its promotion of personal growth and discovery. But I’ll leave that for you to research and discover if you’re interested! The enneagram is not just a test to take, so you can say “I’m a number two!” or “I’m a number five!”. Whatever you find out, don’t just sit with the information you’ve been given! Find out what your gifts are and use them! But also find out what are the parts of yourself that could improve. Now get researching!!