We are all in the pursuit of something. These various desires can consume us and become our all, and it is necessary that we are careful as to what we let be our pursuits.
If it is something of this world, it will only lead to temporary satisfaction that will ultimately lead to a shallow and temporary purpose, but if our pursuit is of Christ, it will outlast this life and extend into life after death.
We live in a society that is so focused on immediate pleasures and self-centeredness, and it sometimes becomes so difficult to shift our gaze from an inward focus to an outward perspective that loves others just as we love ourselves.
In scripture, The Lord mentions and displays the need to love others as ourselves through His teachings, healings, and ultimately, His death on the cross.
This kind of love needs to be our pursuit. We need to pursue Christ and love others by showing people the truth of the Gospel.
This is real love.
If the Gospel is our purpose than our entire worldview is changed because then we see life as an opportunity to glorify God in every moment we get. Our value shifts as well. Our worth is no longer found in how the world's view of us changes, but of how The Lord sees us with unwavering grace.
We are intelligently designed, and we are created for a purpose. God did not make a mistake in creating you. With our worth secure in God, there is such freedom in life because no matter what is said about us, in the end, it does not alter our value.
Our ultimate pursuit needs to be chasing after the Gospel so that our lives will have a purpose that outlasts this world. God is not bound by time and neither is His love for us.
We do not need to search for satisfaction anymore, and we can have true meaning to our lives. A relationship with Christ is unlike anything else in this world, and He is essential for true life.
Jesus brings life to our being, and He brings meaning to our daily endeavors. As a Christ-follower, it is essential that we share the truth. For knowing the truth of Heaven and Hell and not keeping it all to ourselves in fear of offending someone is not truly loving someone.
You do not have to be a missionary overseas to be on mission. For all believers are called to make disciples and share the Gospel of Christ. Everywhere we go, we have the opportunity to share Christ with others. This ability is a gift because the Gospel is a free gift.
There is endless pursuit in discovering Christ, and this pursuit truly is worth it. It's the only thing that will satisfy.