For many of us, the end of the semester means that it is time to pack up and move out of the residence halls. As we have to move two or three times every year, we are practically masters at moving. But as this is my third year packing my life into three giant bins and random bags, I've grown to loathe the process. Here are a few things that we all feel when moving out.
1. If only packing was this easy
Unfortunately, it's absolute chaos.
2. Nothing seems to fit.
It all fit perfectly last time you packed, but now it has decided to all of a sudden take up more room.
3. You realize that you have way too much stuff.
You're not quite sure where it all came from, but it's defiantly not going to fit in your car
4. You can't decide what to keep or throw away.
You think to yourself "Can I use this?" Or maybe it's sentimental, but you can't decide whether or not it's practical enough to keep. (Helpful tip: find a stone cold friend to make the decision for you.)
5. Overwhelming sadness
It just doesn't feel like home when your stuff is all packed away.
6. You don't want to be away from your roommate.
You've spent nearly every day together for the past year and you don't want it to end.
7. You just want to play.
The semester is over and you're exhausted from finals and you don't want to do more work.
8. Procrastinating because there's so much work to do.
The bed is packed so you just lay on the floor and listen to throwbacks to avoid responsibility.
9. Trying to move large furniture
So much awkward furniture. It's such a pain to wiggle it all through doorways and into the car.
10. You don't want to leave.
Living on campus is great, and you have so much freedom. But now you must go home.
11. Realizing that this is an endless cycle.
Well, there's four years of undergrad, and who knows what after that. What we do know it that it will probably involve moving again, and again, and again...