One. More. Month. Can I really do it? Yes I can. No I can't. But sure, we all can stick it out through the good and the bad of our countdown to summer. We totally got this. But my feelings towards this last home stretch have me confused, lost, stressed, sad, and happy. So join along with me through the world wind of emotions that we call the last five weeks of spring semester heading towards summer.
1. Going to class.
Sometimes even a hour and 15 minute class is too long.
2. Being productive.
Hmm, to keep studying for my exam next week? Nah. Doing my homework? Nope, Netflix and nap it is for me today.
3. Procrastinating.
Ha, that project I knew about all semester, I don't even know what you are about. Get ready for me library, I'm going to be using you for the next 48 hours before it's due.
4. Dead Week.
Finally a break! But is it really if your professors are still teaching you new material and almost every class has a test ending the semester. I guess since it's my real last week here I might as well live it up.
5. Finals week.
Please shoot me now, I can't be studying for another second or else my body will combust into shreds. Not to mention my mental sanity is going to be all over the place during this week.
6. Leaving school for almost four months.
Wait, I'm sad. I don't want to go home and not be with my friends, for four months. What am I going to do?
7. Being home.
Ah, my bed, how nice of you to still be as comfy as before I left for school. Thank you, bed, for rocking.
8. Being home for too long.
Oh, OK, I'm starting to realize how bored I am here. Can I go back to school minus the class part, is that a thing?