It is finally that time of year where summer is in sight. Unfortunately, this means it’s also the end of the semester. Let’s be honest, even though we’re so close to summer break, this is the most emotional and stressful time of the year for college students!!
I am right there with you and ran out of tears to cry. Let us all suffer together.
I thought it would be appropriate to sum up the end of the semester, as told by “New Girl.”
When your professors keep assigning more work, projects, and presentations:
When your family tries to comfort you about school:
When your professor tells you to read a 14 page article and write about it:
When the procrastination kicks in:
When you decide it’s time to start working again:
When you actually start to go crazy:
When you’re in desperate need of a nap:
When you’ve been working for so long you don’t even realize you’re making mistakes:
When you get a free second to stop studying to eat:
When all of your friends are out having a good time and you’re stuck studying:
When you’re trying to stay awake to finish your assignments:
When you begin to accept the fact that there’s no way you’re going to get through it:
When you’re taking finals:
When you realize you don’t know the material at all:
After you finish all of your finals:
But at least you finally made it:
And it’s finally summer:
Good luck with the end of your semester, you got this!