College is one of the newest and most fun experiences. It is also one of the longest sometimes. After spring break it seems like college won't end. So in the joy of the last few weeks of school, here are some minions that tell the story of the last few weeks of the semester.
1. Coming back and seeing friends after Spring Break.
A time where it seems like you haven't seen your friends and ask how their break went. The ones who go somewhere warm always have stories to tell while the ones who stay home have more heartfelt stories. It is an exciting time to be back because the initial "School" hasn't set in yet.
2. In between Spring Break and Easter Break
The period of time where it's like "don't look at me or touch me". College students get antsy during this period because there is so much homework and projects but one just really would love to be at home.
3. Easter Break
The most joyous time, its been approximately four weeks since one has been home and it is so nice to see family and siblings. It also gives some time to go back to work if one has a job back home.
4. After Easter Break
It's a dead period because it's so close to the end of the semester and so many people want summer to come around. The stress of finals hasn't even set in yet, it's a boring period in college students lives.
5. Two weeks before Finals
People begin to realize the end of the semester is near and many forget about the papers that are due as well as projects. The panic begins to set in.
6. One Week before Finals
Everyone is on edge from the late nights of studying, the million projects and papers due that week. The end of the semester feels like its so far away.
7. Finals Week
When you are at the library till 2 am, and then cramming till the actual exam. Everyone feels the same pain through finals week.
8. Summer Vacation
Thank goodness school is over and college students are home permanently for 3-4 months , It's time to celebrate!!!