Craig Middlebrooks is a dramatic, angsty, loud Parks and Rec Department employee from Eagleton. When I first watched the series, I instantly felt related to Craig, and I think we can all relate to him during the last few weeks of the semester.
1. When your professors decide to make every exam, paper, and assignment the same week
How does every assignment seem to occur during one torturous, hell week right before finals?
2. After you type your name on a paper
Anytime I do a tiny bit of work, I consider it a victory and find the desire to treat myself. This is especially true during the end of the semester. Naps and breaks are a major necessity to staying sane.
3. When the therapy dogs come and you try to let yourself be relaxed, but you are still angsty about all the work you have due
Seriously, the most exciting time of the end of the semester is when the therapy dogs come for a visit. Nothing says study break quite like petting the world’s cutest dogs.
4. When your friends decide not to go out the weekend before finals
You start realizing that you only have a few more weekends to go out and have fun with your friends before you have to leave them for a long period of time. Despite wanting to live it up while you still have the freedom (and your best friends in the same town as you), sometimes studying and assignments will take precedence over going out, and that is okay.
5. When your professors make jokes the class before the final exam
Your students are not happy with you right now, just accept it. We will get over it.
6. When your group makes a terrible decision and you are in too much of a time crunch to argue, so this is what goes on inside your brain
I used to be a super perfectionist and picky in group projects, but since most of my projects are now a time crunch, I have to let it go. This is certainly what is going on inside of my head, but I just do not say it.
7. When you see that one person who never showed up to work on the assignment around campus
We all picture that one person. Hopefully, you are not that person.
8. When you will do literally anything to avoid doing work
Would rather do anything than write that paper.
9. Trying to find a way to relax and not completely lose it during the last few weeks of classes
Not going to lie, this is some pretty solid advice. Thanks, Craig.
10. When you are also falling apart, but you want your friends to remain positive
I often find myself preaching to them about how great they are when they are stressed, even though I know I need to practice what I am preaching.
11. When you do all the work on a group assignment but still have to put everyone else’s name on it
This is just too relatable. We have all been in the situation where we do all the work but have to give other people credit.