It's August! Wow, how time flies by. It feels like just yesterday school ended for the break. As the last month before school begins, it's the reminder that summer is drawing to an end and if there's any vacation bucket list you have left, then it's time to complete it. In the final month of summer, there are some thoughts that we are all too familiar with, and things about what the end of summer really means.
1) Realizing that your vacation is almost over and you still don't know what exactly you did all summer, or how much you have left to do coming up. Oops!
2) Since this is your last month to enjoy before there is an influx of exams and other priorities you had somewhat forgotten about, time to make the most of your lazy days. Netflix binge-watching days, you will never be forgotten.
3) No more being able to sleep at like 3 AM and wake up at like 3 PM. Your sleep schedule is so messed up that it's going to need some serious remodeling for the year.
4) ALSO summer ending essentially means you'll have to try again. Looks like it's time to say goodbye to sweats/shorts all day and uncombed hair and hello to being presentable!
5) On the bright side, you'll get to see of your friends more but on the not-so-bright side, you won't get to see family or certain friends as much, especially if you dorm in college. You'll miss them! Here's to the constant phone calls and visits.
6) Preparing yourself for the weather change. Hey, on the bright side there are a bunch of holidays coming up! And a lot of other things to celebrate/party about. The fun never ends.
7) Looks like it's time to enjoy your free time because chances are, you won't get as much of it during the year. Plus there's always that drive to school, or that old exam stress you had almost (but not quite) forgotten about.
8) But, not all's bad, and sometimes that business can be good thing. After all, everyone likes a little work hard play hard. And who said you can't have fun despite your workload and a little school? After all, summer was fun but the new year holds a lot more adventures as well.
8) Looking back at your summer and realizing that no matter what you did, or whether you're excited for the new year or not, you had some pretty good experiences you'll remember forever.
Summer is a great season and it's filled with beaches, get-togethers, vacations, barbecues, shopping adventures and more. With the ups and downs that come with any day, here's to Summer '16 wrapping up, and Fall '16 to approach! Cheers.