The end of the spring semester is tough. You're trying to pack your things to move back home for the summer, study for final exams, finish final projects/essays, all while trying to keep your mental and physical health in check. Unless you've gone to college and personally experienced this pain, you can never truly understand just how mentally and physically daunting the end of spring semester can be. Here's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" to help explain how us college kids are feeling right now.
1. Going back to school after Spring Break.
I literally can't deal.
2. When it's the week before finals and your professor is still assigning work.
Breathe, girl, breathe.
3. Walking into your professor's office to ask for extra credit one week before the final.
Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
4. But then your professor tells you he doesn't give extra credit.
5. When you finally convince yourself to sit down and study.
Why did I even take this stupid Shakespeare class?!
6. When you've been studying for 15 minutes straight.
7. When your notes from the beginning of the semester don't make any sense.
8. When your mom asks if you've been sleeping.
9. Showing up to a final exam you know you're going to do poorly on.
Confidence is key!
10. When you finish your first final exam.
11. But then you realize you still have four exams left to take.
12. When you open the exam and it's nothing like the study guide.
What was the point of the study guide?!
13. When all your friends are out having fun and you're still studying.
The FOMO is real.