There comes a time where it all switches in a blink of an eye, and by that I mean it’s over!
The heat is starting to lower down, no more sweating, no more sunnier skies, but most of all… No more wonderful Summer. I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s the truth and you know it. How are you feeling now that I have said that to you? Are you feeling sad, happy, or even disappointed? Well, if I did, then I am sorry… Just kidding, I am so not sorry. What are your thoughts on semester literally starting in about another week? Honestly, I am feeling excited, nervous, and positive. In my heart, I think for me it will be a good semester, but hopefully it is when it comes to exams or finals week as well. It’s a good catch of thinking that I am mentally prepared for what is being thrown at me. I might let hit me or I'll dodge. We will see.
This was a wonderful, calm, and adventurous summer for me. I thought that it would be not that exciting, but I was wrong. Along the way on my summer journey, I met and became good friends with a couple of new people. We all shared some things in common and it was cool to go out together and do fun things as we got to know one another even more. Many new opportunities came my way, and of course I took them. After really thinking about it I can actually say it was quite the summer. What bothers me a little though is the semester starting. Even though I can’t wait, half of me isn’t really ready for it. All I need is one more month, one more, of fun and excitement. Too bad that can’t happen, if it did, then I could’ve went to Atlanta for my CNN Tour. Next time it is; I will make sure of that. Summer may be over, but there is more to come that will be better.
With the semester around the corner, I do have more high expectations for myself. Some of them are, never giving up even if I fail, taking risks, having more self-confidence, and to keep following my dreams to make them into reality. I always struggled with those four things. After seeing all the potential I have, I slowly started to work on those things to change myself into someone better from who I was the day before. I am still a work in progress, but everyone is. We all have our downfalls that we would like to accomplish. Now that school is starting up, it is time to show our special talents to not only our professors or peers, but to the world. This is your chance; it is your year. Be the person who you weren’t yesterday, be the change you want to see within yourself. As this new semester flourishes your way, it is your job to water it and make it grow so you can be happy.