The last two to three weeks of the fall semester are absolutely the hardest part of the school year to get through. After Thanksgiving break, everyone's in the holiday spirit, and definitely not ready for finals. Having to go back to school, do more assignments and take a bunch of tests is almost unbearable. Here are the stages we all experience during the last few weeks of fall semester.
1. The Thanksgiving Stage.
Thanksgiving is a nice break from school work and a good time to get into the holiday spirit. There's the joy of "Friendsgiving", spending time with your family and tons of food!
2. The "Why didn't I do all my work over break?" Stage.
3. The "Wow I have SO many assignments" Stage.
Saving all of your semester-long projects for the end of the semester seemed like a great idea, but now all these deadlines are about a week away. Better get started!
4. The "Do I even have to go to class?" Stage.
It's getting to the point where all you do is talk about that final assignment you have yet to even start. You can count the number of classes you have left on one hand, and you're really regretting using all those skips at the beginning of the semester.
5. The "What do I get everyone for Christmas?" Stage.
Trying to figure out what you're going to get your mom, friends, boyfriend, etc. for Christmas is a nice distraction, until you realize you can't afford anything you want to get them because you have $3 in your bank account.
6. The "Cramming" Stage.
There's one week left and all your assignments are due. I like to call this the "why did you wait to write that 12-page paper?" stage.
This is the denial stage. There's no better time to ignore your upcoming finals than a few days before them!
8. The "Oh man I really should've studied" Stage.
Turns out the weekend before finals isn't really the best time to party.
9. The "Taking your finals" Stage.
Whether you know it or not, here goes nothing!
10. The "FREEDOM" Stage.
Now only one month til you get to do it all again!