It's Summer Time! That means a lot of emotions. Who better to help us express the emotional stages of summer than Old School Disney Channel?
1. Finals Week
You're in class, the finals are hurting your brain. You're sleep deprived. Hungry. What do you do? You start dreaming about the week after Finals.
2. The Honeymoon Phase
The Honeymoon Phase is the first few weeks, in between Finals Week and the start of any summer jobs or internships. We're free to do whatever our hearts desire (within a college budget).
3. Reality of Responsibility
The summer job, internship, or summer classes kick in and we are faced with the reality of life. The Honeymoon Phase is over and it's back to the ole' grind.
4) Fourth of July
Ah....Fourth of July. Filled with all the carnival food you can eat and the heart pounding explosions of America's independence. Calories don't count here. And it's the perfect break from all of those responsibilities!
5) Back to School Shopping
It's July. Just a few weeks left of summer and now it's time to use that hard earned cash to revamp your wardrobe. #TreatYoSelf
6) Back to School
The first week back to school, we al feel like London Tipton walking back on campus. We are ready to own the school year! Moving into new rooms. Looking good in our new clothes. Catching up with old friends and making new ones.
7) After the First Week
We realize that our college days are quickly fleeting on the second week of school. Internship (again)? Where do I want to apply for career jobs after college? To grad school or not to grad school? Those are the questions. We have decisions to make, people. We're not getting any younger. But that's okay, because after a few weeks, we look to our classmates and realize...