This article is long overdue. I’m not going to tell you my political views because honestly, at this point, I don’t care what anyone else has to say so I won’t flatter myself and think that my opinions are what you are just dying to hear. This political season it’s either one view or the other, they all are starting to mesh and sound the same.
Remember when that one Facebook friend you have that always posts the funniest things and you see their name pop up and you’re like “oh this is going to be good” and you liked them in the most Facebook friendliest way? Well, now you can’t stand them simply because they posted their political view which happens to be different than yours. Then you turn around and post your political opinions and don’t understand why people are acting differently. Unfortunately, that is a very real thing for most of us and it is the dumbest, most petty thing ever. Or are you that person that now only posts election related material so you can piss off that one person and you live for it now. Also awful.
I am so completely over this election, this political season, and literally everything else. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad that I live in a country where its citizens can post their views and opinions freely for the world to see, but I can’t handle how disrespectful people are when sharing those views and how our right to share those opinions is turning us against each other, families, friends, coworkers and even just the Facebook world of peers we have collected over time.
So great, share your political views but don’t get all riled up when someone disagrees with you and don’t get offended when someone else decides to post their views and you don’t like it because that’s not what you think. If you are going to engage in a friendly debate then keep it just that, friendly. Share your views respectfully and maybe it will just rub off on others and maybe you’ll be able to leave the situation feeling like a good human being.
I am positive that this upsets someone somewhere or that people may disagree with me and think that it’s also their right to get in someone’s face or be petty on Facebook. They may leave their comments and you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to respond respectfully and if I don’t feel that’s possible I won’t reply at all. I’m not going to get offended because I don’t care enough to.
So if you too are over this election season and how people are treating other human beings for doing the same thing they are doing themselves I just encourage you to be a bigger person until this is finally over. You know, this is my first presidential election that I will get to partake in and I was looking forward to it but it has turned in to a genuine nightmare and I think that when I say this many other Americans are in agreeance, I cannot wait for this to be over and this shouldn’t be like this. So let's just cast our votes and get on with our lives.