July 31 will always be a memorable day for all Harry Potter fans. Not only because it is the birthday of Harry and JK Rowling, but it was also the day that Harry first officially met Hagrid and got his Hogwarts letter at the Hut-on-the-Rock with the Dursley’s. More recently, just a few days ago, the 8th and allegedly final Harry Potter was released: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts one and two.
This new story has many differences from the others with which fans are all so familiar. The first and most obvious difference is that this is written as a play while the others are novels. The play is being performed in London with none of the original actors from the movies. Many fans are refusing to call this “the eighth Harry Potter” because it was not actually written by The JK Rowling; however the play is based on the story by her and she has been involved in the production.
Instead of following the adventures of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, the readers and audience watch their children be “up to no good.” Harry and Ginny’s children are James Siruis, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna while their best friends, Hermione and Ron have Hugo and Rose. Scorpius, who is Draco Malfoy’s son, also plays a huge role in the plot.
Although he may be the infamous Harry Potter’s son, Albus is very different from his father. From his very first ride on the Hogwarts Express, Albus knowingly chose to sit with his father’s enemy’s son and eventually become best friends with him. Albus is the only Potter or Granger-Weasley ever sorted into... Slytherin – or anything other than Gryffindor as a matter of fact. Albus also is one of the worst Quidditch players at Hogwarts.
Scorpius Malfoy is already very different from his father when readers first meet him on the Hogwarts Express offering Rose and Albus treats. He favors a young Severus Snape in many ways. With his infatuation with Rose, his love for potions, and his best friend, Scorpius is nothing like his father. Draco also mentions when talking about his son that he is more of a follower than a leader “despite everything [he’s] tried to instill in him.”
With all 14 year old sons and their fathers, no matter if they be in the wizarding world or muggle world, there are definitely some problems. However, the dynamic between father and son between both Draco and Scorpius and Harry and Albus have a few additional problems especially with the missing time-turner getting into the sons’ hands…