The reason I do not believe in corporal punishment is because of its effects on the mental health and overall well-being of children.
Contrary to my belief, my college textbook on human development talks about corporal punishment and it says it is okay as long as it is not taken too far. Additionally, the punishment must fit the crime.
However, I see some potential consequences any type of violent behavior can have on children. For example, children can become people-pleasers, be emotionally inept, or even operate in fight-flight-freeze-or-fawn responses. Fawning is also known as the Stockholm syndrome (sympathizing with abuser).
Any form of psychological trauma can lead to having anger, jealousy, or even insecurity issues. These victims mostly likely will not be able to identify healthy boundaries. Then when someone sets boundaries on them, the child perceives those as an act of disloyalty.
Corporal punishment is tough and I do not believe to be the best course of action for any situation.
Instead, I believe in being patient.
Sometimes children are not at an age where they can understand something too deep. There are many alternatives for corporal punishment. Such as taking away a toy and really wait until they stop crying and see that crying has no effect on you. Sometimes parents are embarrassed by their children crying at a store. It is important to not give in to embarrassment. The parent has to let the child know that they cannot be always influenced by their crying.
When kids fight, it is best to teach them to come to resolutions peacefully by communicating their feelings. Most importantly, educating on healthy boundaries.
Sometimes mental health conditions get in the way or physical health conditions makes it harder to cope with life. Therefore, it is important to be supportive.
I am probably perceived as soft because I do not want a relationship based on obedience and discipline. However, I want children to be respectful, accepting, understanding, and, most of all, caring people. I prefer for everybody to become the best version of themselves and always attempt to establish peace.