“And tomorrow I know will be rainy at best, and the forecast, I know is that I’ll be depressed, but I’ll wait outside, hoping that I’ll catch sight of the sun”
-Relient K
I’m pretty sure we’re all feeling it at this point. The drudge of winter. The longing for spring. For blue skies. For even just as second of sun to peep out from behind the clouds and bless us with a bit of warmth. For green grass and studying outside. For not having to bundle up with a big coat every time we leave our house.
I’ve been experiencing my first true Eastern Washington winter this year, and let me say, it’s been a little intense. I’m not used to this kind of frigid cold, and even though we’ve passed the really cold part of winter, we’ve officially made it to the “worst” time of year. February and March are always rough. We’re ready for spring, but winter just doesn’t seem to be relinquishing its hold anytime soon. We forget what the sun even looks like. And we don’t expect anything less than rain, snow, precipitation of some kind, and more icy patches to skirt around every morning. It’s one of those winters that seems to never end.
I’ve found that for me, and for a lot of people, weather seems to have a direct effect on our mood. Relient K sums up me and my friends’ moods pretty well: “We were talking together, I said what’s up with this weather, don’t know whether or not how sad I just got was of my own volition or if I’m just missing the sun.” These dreary, misty, icy winter days seem to just stretch on into infinity and it’s sometimes hard to tell if I’m in a bad mood because of the weather or because I’m just having one of those days. Because every day seems to be one of those days, when the weather is like this.
It can be difficult at this point in the semester. We’ve just begun, and spring break seems so far away and unattainable. So much to do between now and then. So many long days of dreary slogging through slush and ice before we can reach the sun on the other side. It feels endless, and depressing, but in a way, it’s worth it. Yes, we have to push through the grossest part of the year, but imagine how great it will be when the sun finally does break through. I can choose to be happy in spite of the dreary days because I know there’s sunny days on the other side. Even if the weather might not agree right now.
“’Cause now I’m sunny with a high of 75
Cause you took my heavy heart and made it light
And it’s funny how you find you enjoy your life
When you’re happy to be alive.”