Everyone's got their favorite type of booze. Between partiers and drowners, and everything in between, a person's favorite type of alcohol can reveal a lot about them.
Generic Beer
Hey, sometimes you've gotta go for the cheap stuff, right? You're the king of saving a dollar or two. You're easy to please. Craft beers can be a gamble, and are pricier. Just like the cheap beer you buy, you're straightforward and people know what they're getting into with you. Just make sure you don't run around saying "oh, Natty is amazing!" No, it's not. Don't even act like it's a great beer. Just remember, don't always get stuck in your frugal ways. Sometimes dishing out an extra $5 for a beer upgrade is completely necessary.
Craft Beer
If your favorite booze is craft beer, congratulations, you might have a more refined palate. Cheap beer just doesn't do it for you. Whether you want a higher ABV, or a more full flavor, there are a lot of choices here that you can explore. You're probably one of the best dressed people at the party you're at. But, remember that a lot of people don't like craft beer. Don't be a snob about it -- if your friend drinks a Budweiser in front of you, don't give him crap for it not being an IPA. Beers are meant to be enjoyed together, no matter the type of beer, so just let people enjoy what they want.
Wine drunks are the absolute best drunks. You probably have something to you that inspires a warm feeling in people. Like wine, you're absolutely adaptable to situations. You have the ability to be classy like a $100 bottle of the good stuff, or to be wild like boxed wine. Just be careful to not overdo things, because like wine hangovers, you could be having a rough time the next day.
Like vodka, you're easy to mix in. You can mesh with almost any social group somehow. People have fun with you, but take caution, because there are some things vodka doesn't mix with. Vodka is best when mixed with others; without mixing it, it can be a bit bland. But don't worry, it just means you're great with others!
You're great at kicking the party up a notch, but you're also great at kicking it down a few notches and keeping chill. You mix well with others, but can be fine on your own. While rum, like vodka, does mix well with others, you only mix well with certain types of others. Make sure you know who you mesh with.
You're the one doing your own thing. Not everyone likes whiskey, but those who do LOVE it. The same goes for you. You know how to be subtle at times, and almost always have something on your mind. Strong and silent type. Just don't forget to let people mix with you sometimes.
WHO'S READY TO PARTY? You are! Whether your more of a margarita person, or just straight shots, tequila drinkers always take things to the max. Just don't get all sloppy, now.