The problem with a person's weight is that everyone makes it their problem. With all the new empowerment of curvy girls that the media has seen lately, there's been backlash on thinner girls. Am I saying that mainstream fashion industries are now accepting girls larger than a size 0? Definitely not. I think it's a great thing for a girl's confidence to be boosted even if she isn't super-model thin. However, these steps have also opened the doors for criticism. Now that these stick-thin models are becoming less mainstream, girls everywhere or every size have begun to tear each other down. The double standard here lies in the fact that if a size 1 made a comment about a size 12, all hell would break loose but not vice versa. For whatever reason, girls think it's okay to make fun of another girl's weight as long as she's skinny. Because skinny girls have confidence and no reason to be ashamed of their bodies, right? Wrong. Skinny girls have feelings, too. I'm not saying that just because bigger girls make fun of skinny girls that it's okay for skinny girls to make fun of bigger girls. In fact, it's just the opposite. Instead of bringing each other down, we should be empowering each other. No matter what we look like, we're all girls and we all need to stick together. Just like how it's not okay to tell a larger girl to go on a diet, it's not okay to tell someone to eat a cheeseburger. Some people have higher metabolisms or other health issues going on that cause them not to gain weight. So next time you think about telling that girl on Instagram that she's "too skinny" and needs to "eat a cheeseburger", think again. Would you want someone to tell you that you need to lose a few pounds? No? Okay, then don't empower this double standard when we should be empowering each other.
Health and WellnessNov 08, 2016
The Double Standard
Whether you're a size 1 or 12, words still hurt.