Ah, graduation season, where your Instagram feed is full of pictures of crafted graduation hats and sappy captions. Some people are terrified to graduate, others are shouting "finally!" and some of us are just going to be in the audience this time around. People have very different feelings about graduation, but the one thing everyone can agree on is: those ceremonies are going to feel longer than your undergrad. Though it may be long, the ceremony is a special occasion, and there is an expected way to behave. So whether you’re sitting in the audience or waiting to walk across the stage, here are some ways to make the ceremony go by smoothly.
1. Do bring candy.
Lifesavers are a LIFE SAVER. Don't judge me as I pull a roll of lifesavers, two lollipops, and a pack of gum out of my purse. It keeps me preoccupied.
2. Do play commencement speech bingo.
When the speaker says any of these things, cross it off!
3. Do actually listen to the commencement speech.
The speaker got asked for a reason. They are a successful, influential person that could teach you something. So play bingo, but also actually listen to what they're saying.
4. Do take pictures.
Whether it's of your friend crossing the stage, or a selfie of you in the audience, someone will be grateful that the moment was captured.
5. Do put the camera down sometimes and just enjoy the moment.
You're graduating. Or your friend is. Or your child. Someone's graduating, soak it in.
6. Do bring tissues
Someone is going to cry.
7. Don't wear anything too warm.
If you're graduating: you're wearing a huge, heat-trapping gown that is going to keep you warm. That, on top of the amount of people that are going to be in one room, might make those jokes you've made about this place being "hell" become a reality.
If you're in the audience: note the crowded room full of people comment above. It's going to be hot in there.
8. Do eat before.
It's going to be a long ceremony, and no one wants to deal with hangry you. Also, passing out is a real thing.
9. Don't bring an air horn.
Don't be that person. Don't be that family.
10. Don't talk through the whole ceremony.
A few whispers to a friend or family member here and there is fine, but don't distract other people from hearing their friends name being called, or be disrespectful to the speakers by talking through their speeches.
11. DO be proud.
Whether you are graduating, or someone you know is, it's an amazing milestone that deserves recognition and praise!