What exactly is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl? A film critic named Nathan Rabin created the term. He defined it as "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." Several people have run with the trope, decrying it as an insult to women, as most MPDGs are quirky, one-dimensional characters that exist only to further the story of their male counterpart (with no goals or dreams of their own).
Rabin later said that he regretted creating the phrase, as people began to sort characters into the trope based merely on their quirks. To be honest, I think that MPDGs aren't always a bad thing. It's okay to be quirky and spontaneous. The trouble comes when the character in question is flaky, unrealistic, and has no story arc of her own.
It's okay to like a character that other people call a MPDG. It's even okay to feel like you fall into that stereotype, as long as it doesn't lead you to make bad decisions. So, on that note, I decided to make a list of Do's and Don'ts for MPDGs.
Blast the Indie music and let's get started.
Do have fun exploring your own unique style.
Don’t feel like you have to look perfect all the time, especially not for anyone else.
Enjoy dressing up for your own sake when you feel like it.
Do explore new things and hobbies.
Don’t feel like you have to grab every new activity that comes your way and drop the last one.
Find the things you like, and stick with them. Consistency isn’t always a bad thing, and it’s better to focus on honing one skill than to go through hobbies like Kleenex.
Do feel free to be spontaneous.
Don’t back out on your commitments.
Dream girl or not, no one likes having a friend who only hangs out with them when they feel like it. You have to be there for people consistently; you can’t just drop in at 2 am in the morning with a pizza and a map for your next road trip.
Do enjoy music, books, and movies that appeal to you, even if they’re obscure.
Don’t force your opinions down other people’s throats or scorn pop culture on principle.
Do experiment with new hair colors.
Don’t dye your hair every other week.
Hair dye can severely damage your hair and weaken your cuticles. It’s okay to try some highlights or a different color every now and then, but please don’t change your hue all the time.
Do have fun with your friends.
Don’t do anything dangerous or irresponsible just for the fun of it.
Do try to make life happier for those around you.
Don’t blind yourself to reality.
If there’s a problem in your life or the lives of people you care about, you can’t just ignore it and expect it to go away. You have to face it head-on.
Do be carefree.
Don’t forget to plan for the future.
Do feel proud of your quirks.
Don’t adopt mannerisms or habits just for the sake of pleasing others or looking cool.
Do feel unique.
Don’t throw shade on people who seem more normal. In particular, don't utter these words:
Do be there for your friends (or boyfriends).
Don’t feel like you exist only to help and support them.
It’s good to have your own goals and dreams. Make sure you hang out with people who care enough to ask about your life, and not just talk about their own.