The first definition of the word united in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is simply "made one." This simple explanation of a commonly-used phrase is no secret to a majority of the population. I mean, the word is in the name of our country! History books will tell us that we were a nation built on the idea that all men are created equally in the eyes of the Almighty. We as citizens are entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What if I told you that this is wrong? What if I told you this is complete and utter garbage that is fed to us by the optimistic forefathers that developed this land? This country is not united as many believe. Oh no, it is far from it.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That is quite literally our welcome slogan to all that seek comfort in our nation. It is printed on Lady Liberty's tablet she holds next to her heart. Few people know that on the other side reads the second part of the passage. It is as followed:
"Except I am just a metaphor for the American Dream that is fundamentally unattainable to 99% of the population. Have fun trying, though!"
Okay, so maybe it doesn't say that. But is definitely should. While so many people romanticize the idea that America is the place that everyone fits into, others know the truth. Others know that we are divided by religion, race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, politics, and wealth. The prosecution of these superficial traits is what brought our ancestors here to in the first place.
Growing up in a diverse community shaped me from and early age. I was the little blonde girl with pigtails who had friends of all shapes, sizes, and colors. As long as you wanted to play tag with me on the playground, we were buddies. As I got older, I was exposed to the harsh reality of xenophobia, racism, sexism, and other discrimination. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I was pretty sure I sang a catchy song back in elementary school about America being a melting pot. How is it possible that Schoolhouse Rock! was wrong?
The disgusting truth that looms over this country is causing strife amongst all citizens. The race riots from the '60s are coming back twofold because the ignorance that the color of your skin dictates who you are as a human being. The fact that people turn their heads when they pass a homeless man on the streets is only proof of the selfishness and egotistical pride that so many of us have. The blatant truth that my beautiful Islamic friends are being harassed and called "terrorists" because of their hijabs is why so many people are ashamed to express their beliefs openly. Being afraid to walk alone at night or express my sexuality for the fear of getting assaulted is a total representation of the sexism and homophobia that runs rampant across the nation! These are only a handful of example. I'm sure there are millions more that others have experienced.
I'm tired of people turning their heads and saying how America is all that and a bag of chips. I'm tired of people pretending that there is nothing they can do to make a difference in today's world. Listen to me when I say that I love this country. I love this country because it has so many opportunities to better itself. It has the resources and the people to make a change so that we CAN have a wonderful place to live. If we all started to make a conscious effort to make at least a small change in society, this country will begin to flourish into the dreams so many of our ancestors carried. And we will be united.