America no longer seems to be the United States it once was. Division is increasingly weakening the sovereignty of the nation more and more each day. Many blame Presidential candidate Donald Trump for the trending division across the nation.
However, is the nation really divided because of the rhetoric of one man? Did Donald really create the hateful overtones of his supporters, or did they create him?
It’s fair to say that the nation has been divided since the tenure of George W. Bush. Even more so, after the election of Barack Obama, the climate of hateful rhetoric has been increasing. Now critics look to point the blame at the "Apprentice" boss for the nation’s decrease in harmony.
The truth is, this has been a long time coming since conservatives have indirectly and blatantly played on the fears of Americans for almost two decades. Those chickens have finally come home to roost. No longer is the Republican establishment by the constituency it has conceived over the years. They have now turned to a mad man with no real plan and no legitimate agenda other than to spew hateful rhetoric and incite violence.
Furthermore, he has already threatened to expand libel laws against the media if he becomes president, which technically can’t be done without congress. He’s also suggested that his supporters would riot should he be denied the republican nomination. Critics have taken that as an indirect threat, possibly against the establishment.
Protesters have become a common occurrence at his rallies. Apparently the violent treatment of these protestors by his supporters is also just as common. These violent attacks have led to a surge in protests in cities like Chicago, where Trump has had to cancel a rally, and New York City, where protestors were pepper sprayed by the NYPD.
Senior members of the Republican Party have suggested that they do not support Trump as a candidate and that they should consider an alternative should Trump win the amount of delegates needed to be nominated. Fox News, a conservative based media outlet, has also seemingly declared war against Trump since the first debate in which moderator and Fox Host Megyn Kelly began questioning Trump about his past rather than about the issues citizens were concerned with.
Its clear that most of the concerns Republicans have about Trump are a result of their doing, villainizing the current president for the past eight years, blaming our countries problems on illegal immigrants, and generally lying about the economy hasn’t been very constructive in unifying the country.
Since taking both the house and senate, the republicans have done nothing to progress the people of this country. They have not passed a jobs bill or a done anything to address the increasingly concerning issues of climate change.
They have threatened to not comply with an international agreement made to cut back on carbon emissions and have even scoffed at the idea that the rapid growth in climate change is man made.
They have committed several treasonous acts including writing a letter to the leaders of Iran to pretty much speak ill of him and discredit his efforts to disarm Iran of nuclear weapons. Bringing Benjamin Netanyahu to the states to scold the president probably wasn’t the most patriotic thing to do either.
While Trump may be the Frankenstein people fear to have in office, one thing is sure, the GOP created him.