"What about what people will think?"
"You're so young, isn't there more life for you to live before you make such a huge commitment?"
"Don't you know that marrying outside of your race can make a marriage challenging?"
Questions like these are the ones that people will bombard your mind with if you let them. People get so caught up in society's norms and the status quo that they feel obligated to inform you when they think you are making a "mistake." It's really rather sickening when you realize just how desperately this world wants to make sure you stay inside the perfect box it thinks it has created.
When it comes to my life and my marriage, we have demolished that box. We are in our early twenties, we are an interracial couple, and God's plans for our life are way too big and way too far from the status quo to ever fit in the "perfect" box this world has tried to put us in. Getting married young only means that we will get to love longer, grow stronger as one, and do more for the Kingdom of God together.
So here's my challenge to you...
Be radical and tear your way out of the box that restrains you. See past the stigma that says your age limits you. Surround yourself with people that motivate you. Step outside of the boundaries that have been enforced upon you. Live your life for God who created you. Live this way and the world will not be able to touch you.
Whatever the world tries to challenge you on, always remember that the world is rarely changed by people that fit into a box.
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2