Flynn's gone but why isn't Conway?
With Michael Flynn, President Trump's former National Security Adviser resigning after conflicts with Russia, why is Conway still in the way?
Kellyanne Conway has had a rough start to her newly counselor to the president position with critical call out from both sides of the aisle and most importantly from the media, why? Someone who seems to always contradict herself in every interview and give misinformation to the mainstream media should not be in the position she is in.
The Counselor to the President is a high ranking position in which Kellyanne Conway assists Trump, followed by Bannon and Powell.
Why doesn't Conway resign as well? After the "Alternative facts" embarrassment you would think the President wouldn't want a member of his cabinet spreading misleading information to the MSM and general public.
Transcript taken from Meet The Press Jan. 22nd, day 3 of Trump in office.
That's not all. She can't ask simple questions from reporters, she couldn't explain the Flynn & Russian conflict, and hours prior to Flynn resigning she reportedly said that the White House had full confidence in Flynn.
Are we beginning to see the Trump administration crumble? With Flynn gone, and Conway digging her grave deeper day by day, and how much power is Steve Bannon playing with? We'll have to wait and see. Welcome to Trumpworld.