Ah the seemingly perpetual babyface... Often times it is considered both a blessing and a curse. A curse to those who are young and never seem to "grow up", and a blessing to those above 40 and don't look a day over 25. Those with this lovely dilemma get their age mistaken, their opinions taken lightly, and their ego knocked down. A babyface can spew out a pros and cons list about a mile long, but I believe the following list covers the basics.
1. People are shocked when you announce your age.
They will look at you with their mouth open probably, and they might need some convincing before they believe you. Or maybe a lot of convincing.
2. You get carded for everything.
You are so used to this by now that you have your identification ready and waiting when you approach the counter.
"Are you sure this is a real ID?" They will exam it for what seems like forever, trying to decipher if it is a fake or not. You might as well give them your birth certificate to speed along the process.
3. Nobody takes you seriously.
While in the office, out on the town or ordering a meal, you are automatically grouped into the stereotypes of the "younger" generation.
Maybe this doesn't happen all the time, but it definitely feels like it.
4. You get asked about your parents... a lot.
"Are your parents home?"
"Where are your parents?"
"I need parents permission before..." (Yes, this actually happened to me, twice.)
I've been paying my own bills for over four years now people, come on!
5. You often get told that you're "cute."
When that probably wasn't what you were going for. See point number three for reference.
6. You look like the baby in the friend group, even if you're the oldest.
Cheers to looking the youngest when your 40 too!
7. You'll do things to look more mature.
Girls will wear makeup, and guys will grow out their facial hair. You may even dress a little more mature, and hold discussions more wisely. But you need to tread carefully, otherwise you'll end up looking like you are playing dress up.
8. Younger kids will hit on you.
and so will older people. Which might say a lot about them.
Can anyone say creepy?
9. You'll never hear the end of, "But you'll look so good when you're older!"
That's really not the point at this moment in time.
Can my face please catch up with my age right now?
10. But, they do have a point.
No matter how annoying it may be.
You will age much slower than others—given other factors of course. So I guess having a babyface isn't always a bad thing. While it is not ideal right now, be smug that you'll look great as you get older.