If you're anything like me, then you probably have a problem with picking up your room. Sometimes you may view it as a dark void or an impossibly difficult task, not necessarily because of the amount of clutter, more like the lack of motivation to actually clean everything up. Maybe if you cared enough about it, your room would be in a better state, but as of now, you know how to find happiness among all the mess. Even though it gets in your way sometimes (literally, because you can't even walk around freely without falling & dying), you've grown to love and accept it. There does come a time, however, to say goodbye, no matter how painful it may be. Get ready to annihilate the clutter but be warned of the following obstacles you will create for yourself; these are the difficulties of picking up your room:
1. Procrastination is your best friend.
You’re always going to find something better to do just to avoid picking up your room.
2. Having the overwhelming need to get hydrated.
Water is essential, so why not drink gallons of it while you're at it?
3. Staring at your room with the convinced mentality that you’re just deciding which method of cleaning up would be more efficient.
We all know you’re just zoned out and want to believe that staring at the mess will make it go away.
4. “You know, maybe I’ll accompany that drink with a snack.”
Sitting at the table, eating cheese puffs (or Doritos in Johnny Depp's case), you contemplate the idea of your room as an abstract and distant concept
5. Trying to have a dance party over all the clutter.
Your musical numbers turn into full-on Broadway show complete with extreme dance moves that end in your collapse because of a misplaced item that just happened to be in your way
6. Starting a book because your lack of organization is making you lose IQ points.
Reading improves cognitive development, and plus, it’s good for the soul.
7. Struggling with laziness.
The ultimate battle within yourself: you gather all the hangers you need, yet you don't want to hang the clothes up; you prefer to stare into space contemplating life and its meaning.
8. Sister/brother bonding time is always an excuse
“Mom we’re having a heart-to-heartv, this never happens; this moment is too important for our relationship.”
Well, we all know what actually happens in the end. REJECTION
9. Freeing some time to focus on personal cleanliness and pampering.
This is the part when you double your beauty routine, apply the facial masks you never use and create your own body scrub out of sugar and baby oil.
10. Re-discovering old items and getting sucked into your childhood
Old diaries, your first Nintendo DS, 4th grade books (that you re-read just for fun), clothes that you didn’t remember existed (and trying them on to see if they fit), old pictures (that you proceed to examine)...
11. There’s always a reason not to do it.
“I have a big test,” “I’m going to be late,” “I’m sleep deprived,” “It’s my graduation week,” “I have to get ready for Prom.”’
12. Social media is the biggest distraction
Let's not forget the countless times you have gotten sucked into Facebook and Twitter... especially not the random stalking sprees that turn into complex events with an addicting sequence. You're probably reading this right now as an excuse to not pick up your room. Get up and just do it!