Life is way too short to think of trivial things, but people do it anyway. Nothing is worth getting frustrated and angry about for a long period of time. In the end people do what they want because they either have a choice or that they have to do what’s best considering the circumstances they are in. We look at life through many different lenses now. Camera lens, phone lens, computer lens, even just regular glasses lens. Everything we know is based on the past, future and present. As humans we don’t always have a choice but when we do, we often make rash decisions or a decision that is way too careful that doesn’t allow for growth. We make mistakes because people don’t understand or we ourselves are not understanding at all.
No human is ever perfect, nor is any machine, software or system. The world around us is changing so fast as we speak, that as I’m typing out this article, there have been countless of deaths among the human population, that no one could have prevented from the comfort of their own homes, or the amount of links they post to share news. News is now as irrelevant as the effort some people make or what they claim to say they’re making. Unless something is actually happening right in front of our eyes, and no I don’t mean the digital eyes, the ones you’re using to read this article, nothing is going to change.
Although we have all of these problems with perspective, context and interpretation, this is what makes us human. Humans have the ability to see right from wrong, but not always in black and white. There is a large grey area in everything between extremities. We have our morals, faith, personal beliefs and knowledge that give us the impending variables needed to make a decision. Machines do not have the capability to love, to care, to make decisions that are not as logical but right in the time of the circumstances. Emotions are a crucial part in decision making, as well as being logical with the knowledge we possess.
Humans are not perfect, and the purpose of this article is to show that even if machines, numbers and softwares tell you one thing, it’s not always right. Those things are always programmed to benefit someone and not to all. Technology will continue to grow just as humans continue to innovate. Humans make decisions in hopes to either benefit themselves or have it benefit to others. The freedom we have that is free will is still a very powerful force that no machine can take away or replace. Binary codes is still what it is, it will be nothing more than just logical choices depending on the circumstances. We are more than machines, we are more than our digital footprint. What we leave on social media today is what the world will only remember, they won’t remember or think of the things we were able to actually accomplish without social media or even digital proof because that is how society as a whole can only remember everyone’s actions, good and bad. Freewill is the difference between us and the machines.
Technology as we see it may be smarter than us for the mean time, but that is only because they can gather resources faster than humans. They still don't have the creative mindset that humans do, that makes them innovators. Innovators We only say that machines are smart because they can gather information and distribute them faster than humans can at the moment. They will not change the world, they will not help it grow unless it has guidance from us, humans.
Will the technology outlast humanity?
I don't think so, humanity will continue to have free will unless we continue to advance on this path to creating an A.I. (Artificial intelligence). We are on the verge of making robots and technological advances that is close to an A.I. just not quite there yet. The time will come and then we will see who will be the last being standing.