College and high school are two completely different things for obvious reasons. Anyone of any age could tell you that, but only a college student or graduate could tell you about their differences based on their experiences. Whether you go to a big college or a small one, there is a great difference. In high school, you typically go to a school paid for by the community taxpayers, with kids that you live around you. You grow up with kids from around the area and you get to go to school with some of your best friends.
When I was in high school, I was always very hesitant when thinking about starting college. When my senior year drew to an end, I was dreading starting classes so much. I didn’t know anyone else going to the same college as me, so I was on my own. I decided that I wanted to commute to school since it’s only about a half hour drive. When classes finally started, I met some other people with the same interests as me and I saw that college wasn’t as bad as I once thought it was going to be.
Everyone that you meet is unique and has grown up in a different town, state, or even country, meaning that the people you meet are most likely nothing like your friends from home and you’ll have to try new things and listen to new ideas and perspectives. I liked being on campus and hanging out with the friends I have made more than I thought I would. Although I had difficult classes and a lot of homework all the time, I was able to still make time for other things. Since I decided to commute, my friends let me stay over with them all the time, so I basically felt like I lived on campus. As my first year as a college freshman came to an end, I felt a weird feeling that I’ve never felt before. I wasn’t excited to be done with school and out for summer break at all. I was actually dreading leaving school. Typically I would count down the days until I was free when I was in high school, but that changed completely. While summer is great and all, I’m spending my months away wishing that I was at school. I’m so thankful for the friends I’ve made and the memories I’ve had. I value the time I get to spend with my college friends over the summer. It makes me want school to start so much more.
This is the biggest difference I’ve experienced in my college life. There is nothing like being surrounded by great friends and having great times. Currently, I am weeks away from going back to school and I couldn’t be more excited to see what my sophomore year has in store for me.